Foundational Therapy


Man and woman using Biocharger


Discover the transformative power of the BioCharger, a revolutionary wellness device that seamlessly combines multiple energy-based therapies, such as pulsed electromagnetic fields, light therapy, frequencies, and harmonics, to rejuvenate the body and optimize well-being. By exposing the body to these restorative energies, it stimulates cellular function, enhances energy levels, and improves mental clarity.

Regular sessions with the BioCharger can support overall wellness by promoting relaxation, reducing inflammation, accelerating recovery, and improving sleep quality, making it an integral part of a balanced, holistic lifestyle. Embrace the revitalizing benefits and unlock your body’s full potential for a healthier, more vibrant you.

Smiling woman in green using a Biocharger


  • Improved Sleep: BioCharger sessions can contribute to better sleep quality, promoting restful and rejuvenating rest.
  • Increased Energy Levels: This therapy can provide an energizing boost, enhancing overall vitality and alertness.
  • Restored Physical Function: BioCharger sessions may aid in physical recovery and support the body’s natural healing processes.
  • Enhanced Mental Function: By promoting relaxation and reducing stress, it can support improved mental clarity and focus.
  • Balanced Well-Being: Regular use can contribute to a balanced sense of well-being, fostering harmony in mind and body.

The transformative power of BioCharger is available in our Foundational Therapy Memberships or can be purchased a-la-carte and through packages.